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Hi Craig

It is a shame that you didn’t connect with the leader of the virtual meeting you attended but there isn’t a ‘one-way fits all’ for learning how to control your gambling. I am really pleased it has not dampened your enthusiasm to succeed.

I facilitate the Friends and Family groups on this site so I apologise that I am not the person you are hoping to connect to but I read your post and I thought I would try and point you towards someone who would not only be willing to support you but who has stood in your shoes and who can offer you the most amazing help.

Charles facilitates the gambler groups on this site and I have seen over many years how much he is appreciated. He will understand you and walk with you as you seek to find the man you want to be, the man I know you can be.

Our helpline is here for you too, one to one and anonymous. They can direct you to the groups that Charles facilitates and they can also support you.

Keep posting. I, for one, will keep listening.
