I agree with that wholeheartedly. I have decided that my last slip 22 days ago was my final slip, the final piece of the gambling jigsaw. In 1.5 hours I managed to compress ALL my gambling into 1 small session. The loss was quite small, but emotionally it was hard. Today would have been day 40. But I learned from that that I cannot gamble again. Why? Because I can’t win so what is the point of that? I turned 30 in 200. Then lost it. Turned another 50 in 250. Lost that. Then lost 220 really quickly before stopping. And that was my last bet. It had everything – up, down, try to stop, then chase etc etc.
Slips are important, but everyone has to decide when their last slip was. I cannot fool myself that I will win on the next bet, because I won’t. And anyway, I need recovery as it is the resrearch for my film. I cannot make a film exploring recovery unless I have some of it for myself, hence the new thread here.
Also, I found out on the day of my last slip that I had a date at GMA – so the two things tie together nicely.
I am enjoying recovery – every day I do not gamble is a good day. Every day I make today good, I can make together better.
Thanks for your time Harry.