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Excellent, introspective post, and I think clearly and concisely reflects the self-abuse and self-destruction of gambling which is precisely why we need to focus on stopping gambling and doing whatever it takes and whatever works to stay in recovery…and it begins by making a full commitment to a successful recovery program…the program which works best for us as an individual…might be Gamblers Anonymous, might be our religious group, might be counceling of some kind, might be the Gordon House program, might be posting in recovery forums and/or gaining knowledge and information about this addiction…or it could be some or all of the above.
There is no one size fits all to a successful recovery but there is one thing that is absolutely vital to success and that is to do something…recovery isn’t going to magically come to us…we must come to it…and the beauty of recovery is that it is always there waiting for us, ready to embrace us with all the wonderful things that recovery brings to our lives.
When it comes to recovery, "Just do it!"