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Good day man. I have read your progress from your day 1 and i must say you have come a long way to self recovery and see self worth. Steev made a good point on looking at where you are and where the triggers can be. See yourself moving forward. Yes i have been carrying my credit card and bank card in my wallet and i realize i gonna give my wife to hold it because i know my triggers. You know yours and your awareness of them. Look at your best life now why set your self back to that first day you lost money by putting that same feelings, emotions and thoughts over again, even if you lost a small amount. Be careful brother. Make a complete change. I have been there many times. You have progressing well thus far keep it up. Yes we are all different and unqiue in our own way but when it becomes to gambling addictions and taking risks, it can lead you down a destructive mindset. Call it what you may but a relapse is a relapse be mindful. Review your comment you made on day 67. On relapse.

Brother only you gonna make that bold step from this moment on, to know who you are and where you are. I appreciate your thoughts. And keep sharing. Stay positive man. Look at this from different angles and you make the best decision to tailor your lifestyle. Be addicted to self worth