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It always amuses me when I try and talk about and understand my massive gambling problem with people who clearly don’t have an addiction. A change to my routine, what is that all about? I don’t think I’m going to change a lifelong extremely deep-routed gambling addiction by changing my daily routine! It’s a bit like the stupid yellow panel that flashes up at the end of the constant gambling adverts on the TV that say: take time to think or when the fun stops, stop. It’s absolutely absurd to even think that you can just stop doing something that is so addictive because you just read something at the end of an advert that is basically willing you to gamble. The adverts should be banned instantly. The gambling industry should be held accountable for creating millions of addicts worldwide and made to pay a good 20% of their profits to pay for the recovery of the affected. Gambling is basically legalized drug dealing, Gambling has the same effect on people with a cocaine/crack addiction. I can’t believe the government is letting it go on as it does, well I do actually as they are all making money out of weaker more vulnerable people in society and they don’t actually care. It’s greed pure greed and power. Disgusting!!!!