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Dear diary
Family are kind and loving people, when the maid suffered severe cramp and when she was worried that it could be a stroke.
If it is true, any delay in treatment will made it more serious, so the family made me called the ambulance service to send her to the hospital.
85 years old mum who is not thinking straight all the time want to have her voice and opinion heard, she is still telling us what to do.

Sometimes the family treated outsider better than one of us. Mum like to be the boss, I am not in control, she want us to respect her decision.
It does not made sense to me, when mum suffered from a choked artery and cannot breathe, when I suffered from unbearable extreme and sharp pain due to my liver problem, we both took a cab to the hospitable. Mum is at least 50 years older than this maid and I am 20 years older than her, and she get to use the ambulance service which can cost sgd150 instead of sgd 15 for cab for severe cramps and because she complaint she cannot move.
There are 3 of us, when opinion differs, respect is important, I choose to take a back seat, listen and follow my sis final decision.