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Hi All,
Well, i had a real up and down day today.  This morning i dropped the boys off and went to Jodes for a coffee.  Then came home and Jode rang me to go and have coffee at one of my old workmates, which by the was was lovely.  Came home, ran around hung out washing, dishes etc and then i babysat Jodies littlest boy, hes just over 1 and absolutely gorgeous. He was as good as gold, Jode got her hair done.
Ok, thats the little pidly things out of the way, not that the baby is pidly of course!!! I went to pick up Bailey from school, only to be met by his teacher, he isnt doing his work…grrrr.  That boy is so hard to motivate!  Anyway, Bailey was sobbing, it was a bit distressing really although Mr gorgeous teacher was really nice.  We decided to have a better structure for him at home, i went and bought a big whiteboard and we are going to make a list of things he can do at home to help with his concentration. 
I then had to pick up Brea from her exam, on the way home she asked me about the dog.  Now, she has been wanting 1 for about 2 years and i keep saying no because i know what will happen,  it will be my dog and in truth, im not really a dog person, love cats, but not dogs. She will be off at work, at uni, living her life and the poor little dog will be stuck with me…the cat lover.  So i said, for the 5 millionth time….no.  And she has cracked it with me big time.  Isnt it interesting, we bought her a car, im taking her to Sydney, we have given her that much money this year, and yet, she is still going on about the dog.  I am sticking to my guns on this one, when she moves out, she can get heaps of dogs.
Then Dames came home from work, his boss was meant to drop his pay at home but hadnt, so of course that was my fault.  He called me a very nasty name and stormed out.   I had a big urge to gamble. It took me by surprise, that feeling of really wanting to go, being so angry at him, wanting to zone out.  My self exclusion, thankfully prevented me from doing so.  It went away after a little while.  Interesting though, when he came home i mentioned to him about us rearranging our bedroom so we could put the tv in there….low and behold, half an hour later, it was done, bed moved, tv in place and the carpet vaccumed (it was horrendous under our bed, i cant get in there with the vaccum cleaner) and this man does not vaccum…EVER!
Actions speak louder than words sometimes.  
Anyway, i hope you have a great, gamble free day.
Take care, bye for now, Kathryn xx Life is about falling….living is about getting up!