- Toto téma obsahuje celkem 48 odpovědí. Do diskuze (11 diskutujících) se naposledy zapojil uživatel icandothis a poslední změna proběhla před 10 roky a 9 měsíci.
1 prosince 2013 v 10:13 pm #24347pÚčastník
Hi. I wanted to start a thread we can all add to if we feel like it. A positive thread for what was good in our day today? Was there something in your day that stood out as something good in recovery. I think its always nice to remember the good things that happen to us too…
2 prosince 2013 v 1:52 pm #24348cat438Účastník
I was motivated enough to:
Make a big pot of soup
Make a lovely roast beef dinner and it felt good!!!
I really enjoyed watched curling on tv -
2 prosince 2013 v 6:24 pm #24349charlesModerátor
Had a good day today. I’ve already spoken to someone focussed on their recovery in a Group. Yesterday I also had a good day. Went on a canal boat with some younger relatives and Santa hopped on half way round. The kids loved it and so did I. Recovery has given me some great things, the little „normal“ things are just as important. Good thread p.
7 prosince 2013 v 1:05 pm #24350finding_lauraÚčastník
I woke up this morning feeling grateful for all that I have: a husband who surprised me with a tidy house when I got home from work Friday and a relatively lazy Saturday morning to enjoy it.
9 prosince 2013 v 6:00 pm #24351charlesModerátor
Lifes good. Enjoying the time of year and have most of my presents bought and wrapped. Looking forward to visiting family over Christmas 🙂
11 prosince 2013 v 10:02 pm #24352desdemonaÚčastník
What was good in my day today:
I’m thankful for the GT site, and for the supportive friends I have met here.
I didn’t gamble.
I was feeling lonely so I posted on some of the new people’s threads.
I’m feeling about 50% recovered from my cold. Carole -
12 prosince 2013 v 5:33 pm #24353desdemonaÚčastník
I’m feeling 65% recovered from my cold.
I won’t be gambling today as Danny arrives this afternoon, and we will spend the day getting ready to fly out tomorrow morning to Disneyland with 2 of the grandkids. -
15 prosince 2013 v 3:27 pm #24354finding_lauraÚčastník
I am grateful that I have a warm house in the middle of a cold snap, a full cupboard, prescriptions filled, loved ones around me and a snow storm on it’s way. Feeling blessed.
16 prosince 2013 v 11:58 pm #24355Anonymní uživatelHost
Today I did not gamble
I played monopoly with my son
My Christmas tree looks good
I feel happy inside
I feel free inside
I trusted in God.
I love my little dog who has added to the happiness in my home.
I am blessed in so many ways. -
18 prosince 2013 v 2:00 pm #24356finding_lauraÚčastník
As I tend to be on the site in the mornings I’d like to post what I was grateful for yesterday. My partner was supportive and I feel like he is trying to be of a help. I am grateful that we can all grow IF we want to. Laura
19 prosince 2013 v 5:52 pm #24357desdemonaÚčastník
I’m on track to have a gamble free month of December.
I have decided to go to my daughter’s for Christmas Day, even though I’m somewhat nervous about returning to the country, as I have not been back since I moved to the city.
I’m feeling better than I was, though I still have a cold.
I applied for a job today.
I have had no thoughts/urges to gamble. Carole
29 prosince 2013 v 9:39 pm #24358moniqueÚčastník
I like this thread, P. And you have posted some powerful words.
I have enjoyed seeing friends today in my town and am happy in my new house!
30 prosince 2013 v 2:16 pm #24359finding_lauraÚčastník
I’ve gotten a lot done even though it is early yet. Posted, cleaned, sorted some of my office, started a list of the things I need to take care of today and in the next few days. I feel accomplished.
10 ledna 2014 v 2:22 pm #24360cat438Účastník
I am thankful that I am feeling happy today. I enjoyed posting on Lizbeth’s thread as it made me think of my Grandsons and brought a smile to my face.
I also smiled when I read P’s post about eating the crackers and cheese. he he!!
I am also starting to feel a bit more motivated about this purging after reading Laura’s thread.
I am choosing to have a happy day today!!! -
10 ledna 2014 v 9:44 pm #24361Anonymní uživatelHost
I love this thread. It makes me stop and count my blessings, which God has poured on me in abundance.
I had the health to go to work
I had patience with my son
I helped someone in work with a problem.
I received an unexpected invite to join a group for a meal
I came home to a lovely warm house, sheltered from the bitter cold.
11 ledna 2014 v 11:12 am #24362Anonymní uživatelHost
This morning I realised something. Although it can be touch and go some months,
I am really grateful to still have a home. I know many others are not so fortunate and I know I need to treasure this gift from God and make sure I never do anything to risk losing it. -
22 ledna 2014 v 2:45 pm #24363Anonymní uživatelHost
I have never spoke to you, but I always look out for your thread. I don’t really know why, you just have a way with ‚getting to the point‘ of day to day life and its idiosyncrasies.
I wish you continued success on the road to recovery !
23 ledna 2014 v 2:08 am #24364sam.samÚčastník
well done P. That is all we need from a day. As long as we do not gamble it is a progress.
Have a good day P. -
24 ledna 2014 v 4:15 pm #24365lizbeth4Účastník
Even though it is the start of my day:
I am enjoying my tea
I’ve posted on some of the threads here on GT
I am thankful and grateful that I am here and healthy
I am spending the day with my sick Grandson (cold)
relieved that the condo has sold!!
living life one day at a time and enjoying my journey -
24 ledna 2014 v 9:17 pm #24366Anonymní uživatelHost
I tidied another bit of the chaos
My child had a friend round because I am now more in control of the house
Had a good heart to heart with my other half… Things are healing
Had a lovely and fulfilling day at work
Thanked God again for being so privileged to have everything he has blessed me with!
28 ledna 2014 v 9:00 pm #24367Anonymní uživatelHost
OMG, I am so excited about such a little thing.
I saw a lovely trousers and top that I am buying for my mum on payday… Who knows probably a cardigan too. I am taking her to a restaurant when I go home in two weeks. Just because I now can.
I used to go to weight watchers and their mantra was nothing tastes as good as being slim feels.I say no slot machine win is as good as being gamble free feels.
So grateful for everyday I beat this.
28 ledna 2014 v 9:50 pm #24368sam.samÚčastník
Today I received a phone call from my cousin. I felt so good. We talked about so many things. He is buying his new house in Switzerland and invited me to go and visit him in April or May.
I am glad I have so many many who care.
Sam. -
29 ledna 2014 v 6:29 pm #24369Anonymní uživatelHost
Good day at work
Happy family
Home to return to
Clothes to wear.
Getting a Chinese take away
A dog who is thrilled to see me
A son who dotes on me.
Thank you God, I am blessed! -
31 ledna 2014 v 2:34 pm #24370lizbeth4Účastník
Being with my Daughter and Grandson
Having a nice cup of tea to start the day
Feeling grateful for all I have in my life! -
31 ledna 2014 v 9:04 pm #24371pÚčastník
Chatting in charles group great start to my day
Posting here and staying strong
Planning my day in advance and filling it with good things
Playing with my kitty
Being on my own and filling the void with walking, posting, movies, meetings, friends, relaxing. -
19 února 2014 v 9:02 pm #24372sam.samÚčastník
Today I saw good my friends in the group. It felt good, like seeing them in person.
Today is a good day.
Tomorrow would be even better. -
19 února 2014 v 9:10 pm #24373moniqueÚčastník
It is good to know that we are not alone on our journey.
21 února 2014 v 6:51 pm #24374veraÚčastník
Come to the group now if you’re up… -
21 února 2014 v 7:57 pm #24375charlesModerátor
Birds feedign in the garden, spoke to my mum today and whilst she isnt well she still knows who I am, it’s the weekend 🙂
21 února 2014 v 8:51 pm #24376lizbeth4Účastník
Seeing my Daughter shine at her one year (sober) medallion ceremony this morning. Being gamble free! Enjoying time with my Grandson and Daughter!
23 února 2014 v 5:39 pm #24377desdemonaÚčastník
(((Liz))) I’m so proud of your daughter for one year clean, but she definitely has a wonderful role model!
What was good in my day so far is: starting on my laundry, eating a portioned healthy breakfast, remembering to take out salmon from the freezer for supper, and having a get organized mind set. The cats aren’t fighting at this moment, and Canada won gold in men’s hockey!!! Carole -
23 února 2014 v 5:59 pm #24378lizbeth4Účastník
Waking up this morning in my new home and feeling peaceful and content! Being thankful for having awesome people in my life.
24 února 2014 v 11:03 pm #24379pÚčastník
Having a delicious smoothie
A recovery chat this morning in group with Charles and co..
A decision not to gamble today
A decision to watch my reactions to things today
A decision to watch a movie today and treat myself -
25 února 2014 v 12:16 am #24380lizbeth4Účastník
I worked out this morning and my muscles are still screaming!!!
It’s a beautiful day here and I am enjoying the weather!!
I didn’t gamble today!! -
4 března 2014 v 10:28 pm #24381pÚčastník
Great chat this morning in the drop in group here
Good coffee
Nice breakfast
Thoughts of gambling so immediately worked on preventing it -
9 března 2014 v 9:32 pm #24382lizbeth4Účastník
I am staying in my PJS all day and doing nothing. I am watching TV and doing some reading. I realize it is ok to have a me day!!!!
14 března 2014 v 12:53 am #24383sam.samÚčastník
I have invited a friend from Wales who is coming to stay with me for 3 days. He is my childhood friend. I am quite happy and looking forward to that.
14 března 2014 v 5:00 am #24384lizbeth4Účastník
Being with my Daughter and Grandson!
Feeling at peace! -
14 března 2014 v 3:56 pm #24385lizbeth4Účastník
Snuggling with my Grandson this morning!!
13 dubna 2014 v 1:29 pm #24386icandothisÚčastník
After wearing boots almost every day for the last 5 1/2 months, I wore sandals yesterday! Sorted through paperback books, and then delivered three boxes full to the Salvation Army.
Nice afternoon dinner with hubby! Ride in his sport’s convertible.
Watched Saving Mr. Banks. Bed by 10:00. Good night’s sleep.
Relaxing Sunday morning. Grateful for whatever gifts this day may have to give. -
14 dubna 2014 v 7:35 pm #24387icandothisÚčastník
BBQ Ribs! A clean kitchen. Easter decorations.
15 dubna 2014 v 2:42 am #24388lizbeth4Účastník
Working out this morning. Making plans for my backyard.
16 dubna 2014 v 5:18 pm #24389icandothisÚčastník
Crockpot Beef Stroganoff
Finished cleaning the house…at least good enough
Enjoyed watching Modern Family on TV -
17 dubna 2014 v 2:42 pm #24390icandothisÚčastník
Country line dancing
My little white dog is so cute! -
17 dubna 2014 v 11:01 pm #24391lizbeth4Účastník
Waking to find my first rose Bush blooming. Beautiful red miniature roses. There has to be about 50 buds.
19 dubna 2014 v 12:35 pm #24392icandothisÚčastník
Easter cookies are baked and ready to be decorated. Easter eggs are boiled and ready to be colored. Daughter is home. My brother and SIL will be over shortly. Lamb for supper. Easter brunch out tomorrow, so no cooking for me Easter Sunday!
21 dubna 2014 v 3:13 am #24393icandothisÚčastník
Everyone loved the lamb! Skyped my son and DIL in London. Warmth and sunshine. Biking. Drinking beer at an Outdoor café. Did not go out for Easter brunch as planned, but, no worries…lots of leftovers!
22 dubna 2014 v 11:48 am #24394Anonymní uživatelHost
I just feel so happy today.
God has been so good to me and my family.
I am lying in bed, the birds are singing and I have enough money to enjoy the rest of the Easter break.
Could I ask for any more? -
5 května 2014 v 3:22 am #24395icandothisÚčastník
Being there for a friend who has lost a loved one. Dressing up for the Kentucky Derby. Watching it on TV with friends. Discovering my husband makes a great Mint Julep. Joy ride on a golf cart with my girlfriends. Bike riding with my husband. 5 miles. Dinner out with my daughter. Skyping with my son and DIL before they are off to Paris for the weekend…seeing the joy in their faces. Watching Grease and a Disney movie that I can’t remember the name of. Eating Sunday dinner outside in the sun….even if we were wearing our winter coats. ….That was my gamble free weekend! No complaints! Good night, all. have a great week!
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