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  • Toto téma obsahuje celkem 0 odpovědí. Do diskuze (1 diskutující) se naposledy zapojil uživatel cat438 a poslední změna proběhla před 12 roky a 7 měsíci.
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    • #12707

      Hi Vera, you have been such a big part of this site to me and many and have helped many and I know that you a missed.  I hope and pray that you are okay.  I wonder sometimes about this site, and whilst I understand we all want to be anonymous, myself included, it has it’s drawbacks as well.  As when someone who has been here posting is no longer here and you don’t know what has happened you care about them and want to know that they are okay.  Vera, thinking of you and saying a prayer for  you.  I hope that you are not having health problems.  Warm thoughts, and hugs through cyberspace. Bless you Vera. One day at a time my sweet lord…

Aktuálně je na stránce zobrazeno 0 vláken odpovědí
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