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Ever faithful friend P! Thanks for bringing me up.
I am happy to report that I haven’t gambled since the last of February. I believe i’m about 10 weeks clean as of today, odaat.
I have wanted to gamble but have managed to push those thoughts aside. I have passed at least 2 more gambling cafe’s that have opened in my little town. Sad, these seem to be the only businesses opening here now. I have a customer who owns a little bar near my job. He’s had it over 30 years and has had legal gambling machines for about 2 years. 40% of his income is now from gambling. This is just 1 of hundreds of little neighborhoods bars and I can’t help but wonder how many “new” cg’s have found a place to walk to to gamble? You would think the meetings would be growing leaps and bounds. I know not all gamblers are cg-but the one’s I have seen in these places appear to be! Slamming fists on machines, swearing, cussing at the machines and trying to discuss how crooked these games are-it doesn’t look or sounds like relaxing fun to me!
Jen is very close to loosing her rental-and one of the dogs has gone missing. I am worried sick about him. He’s gone about 24 hours now.
I have broken it off with the FWB. When his best friend told me I deserved so much better than him I think it finally hit a nerve. I have had many of you tell me this but coming from HIS best friend told me so much. He’s an insider that knows him inside out, not second hand, not someone who necessarily has MY best interest in mind, but someone that I trust and respect. Silly but I miss him. Maybe not so much him but the fantasy of the relationship I always thought we could have if he wanted it. I can’t change him and make him someone he’s not. He was honest in words but deceitful in action-if that makes any sense.
I got a call from the bank I interviewed with in February. They have an opening closer to my home and asked me to apply.
I let go and let God have this one-lets see where it goes this time.
Well I do need to clean a bit so I need to stop procrastinating.
Take cake!