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I am a great fan of the lighthouse family and I have just found the most beautiful and perfect song from their latest album. Perfect for the times we r in. Super 8 it’s called and it made my soul sing today.played it over again and felt very lifted from it.

Been a mixed couple of days, Thursday I was just plain tired and needed to sleep so missed the gma group and thursday clap. Work is getting quieter now. I had a strange reaction in my medical intuitive class on something that I would have entertained per recovery around shamanism but found it clashed with my christian values. That bugged me for a while until Friday when I had my gma outreach call. We only spoke for a short time but I find that’s all I need. Talking helps.
Good stuff
My son in law came up borrowing his mothers car, and I could give them all the Xmas and birthday pressies, whilst of course keeping distance . My daughter was delighted with all the Charlotte tilbury makeup as she had run out. ThaT made me feel good.
Pete called me and is working nearby, we can only speak from a distance and he made me laugh and I made him laugh,he brought me cigs which I had run out of. We speak from yonder window in true Romeo and Juliet style. He mentioned that he thought when I opened the window my son closed his, but I wonder about that….
My son cooked the best roast duck in black currant sauce, it was mega yummy, I did a spag Bol last night.
My son has borrowed a treadmill and it is sitting in the bathroom. He has been running on it but I must get on it today.
I find there are many things I would like to learn and am grateful for this time put to do so.
My mum will get her 2nd birthday pressie today, from m and s but had delayed delivery, the ivy tea and biccies box. A treat as she can’t shop there.
Not so great
I broke my on.y bamboo knitting needle, they are quite delicate.
I have spent all my salary this month on courses food and medicines For me and the family and a dishwasher. Money well spent. Who wants to buy clothes in lockdown, not me that’s for sure.
Well, just going to listen to that beautiful song again….