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Okay V and Harry, here it is … an update from Adele…. Thanks so much for your posts! It is such a blessing to know someone really cares ….

First … I am inebriated (admittedly) having just returned from a long Happy Hour with my very best long time girlfriends who knew nothing of my husband’s addiction and what we have been going through until tonight …. Yep, I was determined to drink enough to tell them about what has been going on in my life.

My best friend has known all along, but these other 2 women are like sisters … maybe better… Lord help me it was gut wrenching, but they did not judge me, they only have compassion and concern for me … why did I not tell them sooner?
We have been through so much together … I have known and loved them for 30 years!

I am so relieved …. I may wake up tomorrow regretting my drunken confessions, but I don’t think so. There is something so special about a deep-seated relationship with women who know you so well and love you anyway.

Let me see now if I can summarize what has gone in “my house” recently …
My Silver Anniversary (9-3-13) was basically a non-event … hubby gave me a sweet card, but for the first time in our marriage, I did not have an anniversary card or a birthday card for him .. I just had no feelings in that way … (his bd is 8/25) .. I felt bad sort of … but not terribly … he seemed to understand.

Fast forward to this last week: I got really sick on Sunday and went to the doctor on Tuesday (pneumonia) and my physician told me I shouldn’t be alone, so I texted my husband to come home… which he did (about 5 hours later). He ended up falling asleep at the wheel at 3 am Wednesday morning and rolling his truck out in the middle of nowhere …. My worst nightmare come true.

Long story short, he is, for the most part okay, and home right now until he sees a surgeon tomorrow … has no means to gamble although the creditors are hounding him multiple times daily. I’m trying to see this whole event as a weird blessing in disguise …
I apologize if this is disjointed and doesn’t make sense ….. I drank 5 Fresheritas (yummiest thing EVER!) tonight … and I am feeling absolutely no pain of any sort right now! But I knew I was going to post something tonight no matter what.

I think I should mention that I have been a bit astounded that I was not more strongly affected by my husband’s wreck (and near death experience) … I mean I was upset – sort of – but I was so out of it with fever and infection, I just basically went back to sleep when he called me to tell me he had had a bad wreck! What’s wrong with me?
Okay, that’s enough for now … I’ll probly read this tomorrow and say “oops!!” and delete the whole thing! (no I won’t … sorry, this is just me in the raw)
I really really hope everyone is getting the hang of the new website and … Vera – keep trying PLEASE! – and I hope if you stayed away for any reason that you will come back soon!!!
Goodnight everyone ….
