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Thanks for your reply Monica.

Today I have a red wine hangover – online get-together with friends. It was good at the time – not so good now. I have made a rule that I only drink once a week during lockdown because it is too easy for it to become a daily habit, especially when I am not obliged to drive next morning. I might review this and cut down further. I always need to remember I have an addictive nature and need to monitor many areas of my life where addiction could become a problem.

I am feeling very happy inside myself – it’s hard to explain but I have thrown off the old thoughts and behaviours which used to drag me down. I seem to be able to process “upsets” very quickly now and move on.
I am noticing behaviours and how I present myself . I have stopped trying to rescue the world (which I somehow felt was my job whether they felt they needed rescuing or not! Lol). I am putting myself out there with the confidence of someone who likes herself and believes that she is likeable.
I am doing ok!