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Well thanks for posts.

Life is busy busy P, sometimes just not enough hours in the day, I’ve been off for two days and should have gone in today, but have phoned in sick as I still have lots to do.

My mam is making a slow recovery Monique but sounds a lot better in herself. If I don’t go home this weekend I’ll be going next weekend or the one after that. My brother is at home on leave so she has someone there. She has warned me not to go she needs to get over her op, and there’s not much I could do for her if I went home.

I have a bit of trouble at work, well not trouble as such, but a difficult situation. I think my colleague, who I’ve worked with for 2 and a half years, took some money from my pocket on Monday when I was out of the lorry. I have had to confide my suspicions in the depot manager who has said he will look at the cctv footage. I am hoping that I can go and view the footage today. The whole scenario is very long winded and too long to explain here but I was certain he took the money, and have tried to convince myself otherwise because I don’t want to lose my partner. At the end of the day though this is not the first time its happened and as much as we work well together if the camera shows him going in my pockets I’ll have to sack him. I’ve done things a lot lot worse in the past when I was gambling, and if he sincerely apologises and tries to explain he may get a second chance, but to be on the receiving end is not very nice at all. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Since I last posted I’ve been away to Lisbon for 4 days it was great and great to see my mate after 6 years. Cant wait to go away again.

I might have time to post a bit more later on, but am off to work to catch the boss before he gets too busy to see me. Just wanted to say thanks for replies. 