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Hiya K:  Thanks as always for the uplifting post.  Feeling a little more in control today (not much, but getting there).  Have been quite productive today.  Helped hubby choose a new name for his off-shoot company.  He FINALLY got his mojo back after a lot of positive thinking lecturing from me.  I’m so glad, and I have a GOOD feeling that he’s going to do really well without the weight of a partner.  (I did warn him, mind you, about the follies of partnership.  He thought I was just being negative at the time.  And I’m too big to say:  "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" …LOL!  But I did tell him)
SO … what happened with Brea?? I’m dying to know!!  I can imagine she’s a bit tense … at her age, this kind of decision is HUGE!!  Either way, she’ll succeed though, she sounds bright and committed.  I know the time has passed, but I’m still crossing everything until I hear from you on this!
About your mojo drain … I’d like to give you my take.  When I started my counselling sessions, I found that I came on here a little less.  Felt like therapy overload.  Just wondering if you may have felt the same way, having just started your one-on-one counselling?  On the other hand, sometimes, we just need a teensy break from thinking/discussing/mulling over/dissecting the whole gambling thing.  So when your mojo flags, take your time … we’re always here!
Anyway, gotta go pick up the kidlets.  Lots of project work tonight.  Got the extension until tomorrow (and I lived through it, lol!!)
Talk soon, my lovely friend.
 This moment is all we really have.  Be happy in it.