You have come to a site that will help and support you with your addiction. I can relate to only having gambling problems/addiction in a specific area and for me it is slots/vlt machines. As the saying goes we all have our own poison. I am not an expert with gambling addictions I can only speak from my own experience. I realize now that when I was lieing to my hubby and family where I was going that I had a problem. It was the financial strain that got me into recovery. It got to the stage that I did not know the person I had become. I was lieing to my hubby and family where I was going, I was not paying my bills on time, I was losing more and more money. I was sneaking out of work to go play machines. I was waiting for payday so I could feed my addiction. The week after the first day that I registered here I went on a gambling binge. I have been in recovery for over two years now, but that does not mean that I have not had slips/gambling ***** with those machines. It is 10 months since I put a cent in those machines and I thank God for this. I have learned so much working recovery. I would go play machines to escape from my emotions. I can relate to your ***** of depression, self esteem problems etc. You will find your way if you just take it one day at a time. One day at a time my sweet lord…