- Tämä aihe sisältää 2 vastaukset, 3 ääntä, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 15 vuotta, 5 kuukautta sitten colin in brum toimesta.
18 elokuun 2009, 1:03 pm #21019paul315Osallistuja
I went to my first Gamblers Anonymous meeting last night and got to report that I had reached my 4th day of not gambling. The opening was like a movie scene with everyone announcing "My name is ____, I am a compulsive gambler, my last day to gamble was ____", I did not say much after my opening lines, but me telling a group of strangers my secret was a big step. It is different stating this fact and talking about it live then posting on line with time to think out what you are writing.
There were fifteen in attendance, including myself and another first timer. Seeing them all there and each talking about about the different issues relating to our compulsive behaviors reinforces the fact that we are not alone and that there is help from others that care. The thing that stood out to me most was the number of members that had achieved quite a few years of being free, with one celebrating her 14th "Birthday". It was good to see that our goal can be reached. Other established members had a lot of years in the program but with a few slips. I do not know how many years and slips the fourteen year old had been through, but the variety of situations and the continuing efforts were again encouraging.
But even with just attending the one meeting and as in reading the post here for only a few days, I realize that these repetitive reports are a must in gaining our independence from gambling. Just as in learning the alphabet and our multiplication tables where the constant repeating teaches us these basic needs, we need the constant reports of our actions to train us to chose the good option between gambling or not gambling.
Hope to attend my second meeting. "Day Two is Still a Day Away" – No matter how long in the program, I realize that without help and strength I might have to, but hopefully not, begin a new Day Two from time to time. -
20 elokuun 2009, 5:46 am #21020warriorOsallistuja
wwwoa sounds good to me.i need to go maybe. i havnt done that yet/erll see ya and one more no gambling day is good.to ushere to make it one year..and more, lets do it!!!
20 elokuun 2009, 5:01 pm #21021colin in brumOsallistuja
Hi Paul, yes I think that was one of the main things I took from my first meeting – the success stories in the room showed me that I had hope again, I could stop gambling. A couple hours a week at a meeting with, now, friends is a small price to pay for a life time in recovery. Good post.
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