- Tämä aihe sisältää 63 vastaukset, 11 ääntä, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 3 vuotta, 2 kuukautta sitten Newshoulder toimesta.
11 joulukuun 2020, 8:04 am #73698NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hi,I am a gambler since 16 years and I am 33 right now. I think I ve losted 70€k in last 4 years. And I ve lost a lot of time. I have a nice job and a nice family. I told almost everything to my wife, but I Do not want to make her to anxious. Actually I really want to start a new road without gambling.
I bet yesterday evening and lost more money, hopefully it is the last time.New shoulder +0 I will be back here every day to update this number.
11 joulukuun 2020, 8:08 am #73703DuncAvainmestari
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works! -
12 joulukuun 2020, 3:31 am #73988sunnyOsallistuja
Hi! Its good that you decide to take the first step to be on GF journey. At 33, nice job and good family , do not let gambling ruin it further. Please stay strong and motivated! I believe we all can do it as this GT Forum had show many others whom had stay GF.
Keep posting on updates and look forward to reading it! God bless 🙂
13 joulukuun 2020, 5:18 pm #74004NewshoulderOsallistuja
Thank you Sunny, it’s the way i’m trying to think about it.
It’s almost 3 days without gambling. Today is sunday and it’s more difficult as there is a lot of sport, but i am trying to distract myself differently and it’s working.
I feel good and filled with hope.
TheShoulder +3
14 joulukuun 2020, 1:54 am #74008sunnyOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder.
Hope you did it well thru this sunday without any gambling. Keep it going, it will get better as days past.
Keep posting updates and hang in on there buddy!
15 joulukuun 2020, 11:19 pm #74225NewshoulderOsallistuja
Yeah I did well on Sunday and on Monday too. Today I’ve thought a lot on all the money that I wasted. It’s difficult to accept it.
One thing I try to think about is that I will be stronger once I get through this.+5
16 joulukuun 2020, 10:35 pm #74460NewshoulderOsallistuja
18 joulukuun 2020, 6:22 am #74480NewshoulderOsallistuja
First week GF. 💪. I feel very positive.
21 joulukuun 2020, 2:33 pm #74525NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hi guys,
unfortunately i am in quarantine due to covid. Yesterday was day 9 GF, i had nothing to do but watching sports and i deposit an amount on an online bookmaker. I was very conflicted but i placed a bet and i lost. After that i placed another one, i felt very bad and I promised myself that I would withdraw all back no matter what the result was. I won and i tied the first loss. I withdrew everithing and i felt very light.
I don’t know how to categorize this event, but i have positive thoughts, i shouldn’t have placed that first bet but i managed to resist the monster after the second one.
During the two hours that the whole thing lasted I felt very bad regretting the positive sensations that I had felt since I was GF.Now i’ve closed also that site that was out of the selfexclusion.
I don’t know if I can go on with the count, but i’m writing it anyway
+10 GF
8 tammikuun 2021, 10:15 am #75180NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hi everyone,
I haven’t posted in a little while, unfortunately I fell last week. I got up to +21 but then relapsed. A friend of mine called me to ask me to watch a game together and to place a bet; I made that bet and after that I bet for another 5 days, disappointing me deeply. it’s amazing how a few days before I was sure of my will and nothing was enough to relapse. Now I’m here again with the intent to continue the path I started even if I realize it will be more difficult than expected.
Back to +0
8 tammikuun 2021, 11:27 am #75181G RecOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder.
Sorry to hear about your recent relapse, but good to see you back on here to get back on track.
Have you tried attending any of the new member’s groups that take place Monday’s and Thursday’s. There you can receive some great advice for helping with your recovery including barriers you can put in place to make it much more difficult for you to place bets/gamble.
8 tammikuun 2021, 2:54 pm #75183NewshoulderOsallistuja
thank you G Rec, unfortunately, as you may have noticed, I am not native English, so I may struggle to express my feelings.
How should you do it anyway? Do you need to register?
13 tammikuun 2021, 10:19 pm #75279johnsteinOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
I am also sorry to hear you relapse.
Losses are hard to accept, but after all those years, how do you reason that you can win again? Is it that you bet just because of boredom? Do you have any debt that you feel is pushing you down?
I’ve had 2 relapses and one of the takeaways for me was that there is no such thing as telling relatives or those who support you ”almost all of it”. We are all afraid of showing our vulnerabilities and failures, we are scared to injure them, yet it is the only way to build real trust. The damage is already done and will continue to be worse if you hide even the tiniest part of it. For me, not telling the whole story both times very quickly became the issue, as those things which I’ve hidden, I can only continue to hide if I continue to gamble.
When we are in such situations, we can’t clearly predict how others (relatives, other people supporting us) will react to/perceive our message and what will be the damage for them. Yet I believe that on a basic level there are just two scenarios – they either give you another chance or not. If they will not give it to you, it’s very sad and probably can trigger more destructive behavior from a CG (I would love to hear stories of how CGs successfully overcame such additional difficulties). In case they give you another chance – you better not lose it by dragging along any piece of dirt you were once in. You will try to continue to hide it, until the whole problem comes back and next time you may not have another chance from those who once cared about you. I would love to hear Friends and Family members of CG opinion on this.
Keep pushing gambling out of your life. Stay strong. Read some great advice on the barriers we can put to prevent relapses. You can make it if you really want it.
14 tammikuun 2021, 6:18 am #75286G RecOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
The new members meeting are on Monday at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00 (UK). To join, you just need to go to the Support Groups page, https://www.gamblingtherapy.org/online-support-groups-for-problem-gamblers-their-friends-and-family/ . Click on a meeting while it is running and select it to join.
15 helmikuun 2021, 6:12 pm #75806NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hy guys, unfortunately i relapsed again, actually after my last message I never really stopped. I played a lot and had the usual pattern; major wins that would put me at ease financially, lost with interest.
I don’t have the strength to tell my wife though. I would love to get out on my own with my own willpower. I am the one who put myself in this situation and I would love to get out of it on my own.
I’ve raised the security level, indefinitely locked out of all online sites, and reset my head to try to prevent it from happening again.
I would try to rewrite every day on this forum.
I hope to make itNewshoulder +0
16 helmikuun 2021, 3:35 pm #75810NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 1
still strong the bad feeling, but i’ll fight it!
18 helmikuun 2021, 4:15 pm #75829NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 3
the bad feelings start to ease up . The desire to overcome the problem starts to rise; I have to keep my mind from flying too far ahead, stay focused on the day to day.
One day at a time!
18 helmikuun 2021, 8:57 pm #75830joshOsallistuja
You can do it man, I’m rooting for you..
Been following this thread and hoping you get better. It’s clearly a struggle, but I agree with so many others have said here – accept loss and move on. All these relapses seem to stem from regret/angst over loss and hoping you make it back. Stop the demon in his tracks and tell him – no more. It ends.
23 helmikuun 2021, 2:33 pm #75922NewshoulderOsallistuja
Thank you Josh! it’s getting better!
23 helmikuun 2021, 2:39 pm #75923NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 8
Never thought about gambling in these days.
I have prepared a schedule with financial exit and income for the next few months. I need to hang in there for a couple of months and I sincerely hope that I will be able to stick to what I forecasted.One day at a time!
23 helmikuun 2021, 3:09 pm #75924joshOsallistuja
That’s great man! You ARE doing it…. so keep on doing what you’re doing!!
Staying away from games, friends who want you to come over to watch, let’s go to Vegas for my Bday…. these temptations need to be avoided. I don’t think you can’t be friends with them, but if they’re REAL friends, they’ll respect your decision not to put yourself in a tempting situation.
24 helmikuun 2021, 4:25 pm #75927elsoarOsallistuja
thanks for the support. I will try..
25 helmikuun 2021, 12:06 pm #75954NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 10
I’m holding on, actually without much effort at the moment.
I have to ask you something; the topic is that I am definitely compulsive and out of control when it comes to online sports betting. But I have never been compulsive (nor interested) in other forms of gambling (casinos, slots, horses). Should I find myself with friends at a casino one night in the future, should I avoid it or are things separate?
One day at a time!
25 helmikuun 2021, 5:42 pm #75957joshOsallistuja
Great job so far! Rally happy for you and want to see this continue…
I would avoid ALL types of gambling, and resist the temptation to rationalize. Once you do that, your goose is cooked. ALL gambling is a threat to your well being, even a bet with no monetary value! The disease is looking for an opening to re-surface and hurt you.
26 helmikuun 2021, 10:13 am #75964kathrynOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
Unfortunately for us compulsive gamblers will power is simply not enough.
What else are you doing? You said your wife knows most of it, can she help? I’m sure she would be more than willing!
Cutting your access to money is a good start, no money = no gambling.
Excluding your self from betting sites and venues is also a great barrier.
For a compulsive gambler, the win is never great enough, it’s the action we crave. Money is only the means.
Personally I would not ever put myself in a position to gamble. If your friends want to go to a casino…..don’t go!
We all know what happens if we poke the bear.
Stay strong, you can do this! Get your barriers up and use every bit of help available- it all adds up to a gamble free life.
Take care, K xxx -
1 maaliskuun 2021, 9:54 pm #76039charlesValvoja
Hi Newshoulder, My experience is that it is a GAMBLING addiction. We all had our favourite ”drug of choce” whether that was sports, casinos, or whatever but if we stop one form then start another then the addiction will soon follow. Forms of gambling we may never have founds interesting in the past might become attractive.
So my advice would be avoid all forms of gambling.
Your question is ”Should I find myself with friends at a casino one night in the future………”
My advice would be to not find yourself in that position. Once you have told your firiends that you have decided to stop gambling and are no longer interested in going to the casino then there are lots of other activities you can do with them.
This is where we find our who are really our ”friends” and who are just ”gambling associates.”
6 maaliskuun 2021, 8:01 pm #76146NewshoulderOsallistuja
Thanks Kathryn anche Charles for your advices, you are certainly right.
In the meantime it has been a few days since I last wrote, I felt good and very far from temptation. Then I don’t even know why, on Thursday from the null I made a bet, and I bet for two days.
Now I have blocked this account as well.I can’t figure out what’s going on in my head. it’s like I want to quit but not completely all the way. I promised myself this time that I would definitely make it at least a month. But nothing. I’ve lost some money but most of all confidence.
Of course I want to and I have to try again.
Newshoulder +0
7 maaliskuun 2021, 6:54 am #76147NewshoulderOsallistuja
Bad night, thinking on all the losses accumulated. How is it possible that this feeling flies away and I fall again?
This time I will make difference. I will try to write year everyday. -
7 maaliskuun 2021, 6:46 pm #76149NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 1 completed.
what anger!
I re-read my previous post; if I had managed to resist and quit at the beginning of December as I tried, I would now have a few thousand euros more and much more peace of mind.
Reading other posts, I understand that quitting is a journey and relapse are intermediate stage.
I realy want to complete the journey!One day at a time.
7 maaliskuun 2021, 8:31 pm #76150kathrynOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
It is a journey, and none of us are perfect. There will always be temptation, there will always be stress in our lives.
I remember thinking that once I stopped gambling my life would be all roses and rainbows. LOL
Here’s the thing.
Once you stop, you become present in your own life.
You begin to think rationally. You can deal with life’s dramas, big or small in a healthy way. You can think clearly, and it will make the biggest difference in your life.
I missed so much of my kids lives, especially my daughter who’s the oldest. She was almost 18 when I found this site, and this year she will be 30 (which actually blows my brain) my first exclusion was done on her 18 th birthday.
This addiction took my home which I had to sell to pay for my debts. Even after that I still gambled the money we made on the house away. It took me a long time to let it go. It’s not easy to think of the losses.
But here’s what I gained.
My freedom, no more obsessively thinking about how I was going to gamble.
Yes, more money….but there’s still always times when I don’t quite have enough. It’s amazing what you spend when it’s not going to a venue. I hadn’t bought myself anything, clothes, homewares, etc for years. My kids actually got decent Christmas and birthday presents, not the cheap crap I’d buy when in action. Not to mention no more fear of the postman or the phone ringing ( this was a huge one for me)
But the biggest thing I gained, was being present. Enjoying my children and now my grandchildren. Hearing them, and being there for them in every way. Enjoying time with friends, not constantly feeling sick, not being worried about how I was going to get through the week or pay my bills.
Life is always going to throw us curveballs…..that’s just life.
Gambling adds to the worry, and for me, working my recovery has given me back the most important thing of all…..ME!
So keep going, remember the feelings when you lost it all. It’s easy to forget, the addiction wants us to so we go back.
I look back now at the broken woman who found this site, screaming for help.
It wasn’t easy, and I won’t pretend it was. But my god it has been worth it. I don’t know where I would be now and I dread to think. But I do remind myself that every day for me is a gamble free one. It does get easier, gambling is a destroyer of life, it sucks out our soul and spits us out. Fight back! There’s a whole life out there waiting for you!
Love K xxx -
9 maaliskuun 2021, 9:27 am #76169NewshoulderOsallistuja
Kathryn, thank you for your inspiring words.
Your words make me focus on the fact that the main aspect is not money, but presence.
I have thought this many times, but now I realize it even better. Getting things done and living in the present 100%.Day 2 has passed; the thing I’ve noticed is that the first few days are easy, I have no illusions.
One day at a time
10 maaliskuun 2021, 9:48 am #76181NewshoulderOsallistuja
Very busy at work at the moment. Easy to stay GF during the week.
I know the bad time and the hurge will come, but one day at a time
12 maaliskuun 2021, 10:39 am #76220NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 5 GF
No problem the last two days. I had to work a lot and never thought about gambling.
This morning, however, I had a few more hours off and I felt a slight urge. I kept it under control and I’d say I passed.
Week end is coming, i hope to maintain control.Day by day
12 maaliskuun 2021, 3:06 pm #76223NewshoulderOsallistuja
I am currently thinking of betting. My head is telling me ”just one bet with the extra money earned, then withdraw immediately”.
I HAVE TO RESIST, with the first bet you are back into the demon.
Day by day
13 maaliskuun 2021, 9:11 am #76239G RecOsallistuja
Sorry to hear that you had thoughts of betting yesterday, but great to see that you decided to post on here when you got that urge. I hope you managed to resist.
15 maaliskuun 2021, 11:33 am #76272NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 8 GF
The weekend has passed with all his Pro sports temptations. I had bad thoughts on friday but i managed to resist; i have to say that coming here was very helpful.
The rest of the weekend was easier; i had to work a little bit, and stayed with the family the rest of the time!Day by day!
16 maaliskuun 2021, 10:20 am #76291NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 9 GF
Very easy yesterday. Looking for the end of today in order to reach double digit!
Day by Day
21 maaliskuun 2021, 7:25 pm #76393NewshoulderOsallistuja
5 days without writing…means relapse…
i gambled for two days and stopped right know. It’s too hard.
i know it is a process; i know it’s a good thing that right know i’m here writing down my diary; but i imagined it differently.
Keep fighting
day by day
GF 0 (again) -
23 maaliskuun 2021, 3:35 am #76427NewshoulderOsallistuja
Day 1 GF
The working day are not a problem, as I have a lot to do. I already know I will receive some extra cash in April, I need a plan. Probably close a couple of debit position will be the best choice. I told my wife. I will ask her to manage this extra cash.
Day by day
4 huhtikuun 2021, 1:12 am #76613NewshoulderOsallistuja
Never stopped gambling since last post…i hate myself
4 huhtikuun 2021, 1:14 am #76614NewshoulderOsallistuja
the thought of having extra cash available makes me do everything more lightly. But the question is, why am i still gambling? it’s not for money because it should be clear to me that I’m losing it all the time.
4 huhtikuun 2021, 9:10 am #76615joerdjOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
An exercise that helped me a lot was the following:
Take 15 minutes to write how your future would look like in 3-5 years if you stopped doing all the stupid things you know you shouldn’t be doing. What would it look like? An honest person with a loving family who knows his conscience is clear? What kind of job are you doing? What kind of friends do you need/ have? Just the possible future that is within your grasp.
Now take 15 minutes to write about what kind of hell you would end up in if you don’t succeed, and keep doing the stupid things you know you shouldn’t be doing. Do you have any friends left? Is my family still with me? Do I still have a job? A home? A car?
This exercise might hurt in the short term but in the long term will give you a goal to run towards and a monster to run away from.
Don’t think: ”I already know the hell, I went through it”
Just write it down. Knowing in your mind and writing it down are very very different things.
Oh and tell your wife about your relapse.
Short term It won’t be fun, but your conscience will thank you in the long term.
6 huhtikuun 2021, 5:53 pm #76830NewshoulderOsallistuja
Thank you Joerdj, very helpfull thoughts. I’ll try tomorrow to write it year. Meanwhile day3 GF!
15 huhtikuun 2021, 6:46 pm #77072NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hello everyone,
I haven’t written for a long time but unlike previous times, I am reporting a different situation.
I’ve been GF for 12 days and I’m proud of it.
A couple of days ago some of my colleagues made a bet together trying to get me involved but I refused.Day by day!
16 huhtikuun 2021, 2:43 am #77074sunnyOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
Its good to hear that you are now GF for 12 days.
Do not give up and please keep posting updates.
Keep going!
30 huhtikuun 2021, 9:31 am #77348NewshoulderOsallistuja
Hi guys!
Again I haven’t written for a while and again i am now reporting very good news.
I’ve been GF for 27 days and I’m proud of it.
I do not feel the urge and i feel very good right now, living the present and enjoying everyday!
Day by day!
4 toukokuun 2021, 8:32 am #77381NewshoulderOsallistuja
First month GF since a lot!!!!!!
i’m matching my personal financial forecast, and this gives me more will power.31 GF, day by day
4 toukokuun 2021, 8:54 am #77382G RecOsallistuja
Nice work Newshouldr on being 31 days GF. I will be following your updates, hoping to see that number go up and up.
22 heinäkuun 2021, 1:56 am #78373NewshoulderOsallistuja
I had a bad bad relapse today.
Same story, same cycle. I am very disappointed. -
22 heinäkuun 2021, 2:01 am #78374NewshoulderOsallistuja
I have lost a lot. I look back to my diary. What if really stopped when I tried and wrote it last times?
I would have been richer and happier….But I am still here….
22 heinäkuun 2021, 2:02 am #78375NewshoulderOsallistuja
Now I will have some financial trouble by the end of the months…i am so stupid
22 heinäkuun 2021, 3:09 am #78377NewshoulderOsallistuja
It seems like I love that street
23 heinäkuun 2021, 12:48 pm #78378precastOsallistuja
try to post thanks
6 syyskuun 2021, 6:42 am #137812NewshoulderOsallistuja
The worst gambling period of my life has arrived, I have lost a lot during vacation. I couldn’t stop. I had a lot of free time and ruined it. But today I feel I can start my battle against gambling again. I will go through very difficult financial period in September, today I will think how to manage it.
I autoescluded from all gambling site.
7 syyskuun 2021, 11:20 pm #137955NewshoulderOsallistuja
Did not reached the end of the day. I gambled again, still gf0
8 syyskuun 2021, 7:53 am #137976NewshoulderOsallistuja
Passed the night thinking on how much stupid I am. Now it’s time to think on the present and to reset and restart.
Gf0 -
9 syyskuun 2021, 11:54 am #138031NewshoulderOsallistuja
GF 1
Step by step
Everyday GF is easier -
11 syyskuun 2021, 2:46 am #138133NewshoulderOsallistuja
As always it’s getting easier after first two days. I know that I have to resist at the first bet know! Not feeling the urge -
19 syyskuun 2021, 10:32 am #138541NewshoulderOsallistuja
Did not write this week, i was very busy at work. I never thought about gambling. Life is easier again; hope to keep this path.
I will have some financial trouble at the end of the month, due to my stupid August; i am looking for a way to postpone some payments as in October i will be able to pay everithing.GF11 DAY BY DAY
27 syyskuun 2021, 9:48 am #139049NewshoulderOsallistuja
GF 19
HI all,
Another sports weekend has passed and I am GF. I thought about gambling, but I also thought about the consequences and it was very easy to stop the urge.
As in the past the best thing about being GF is to be 100% present and enjoy life.
Day by day -
27 syyskuun 2021, 10:48 am #139053G RecOsallistuja
Hi Newshoulder,
I have been following your progress, and it is great to see you have reached the 19-day mark of staying gamble-free. Well done.
I really hope that you can keep building that number up and up. I have’t seen you mention any barriers you have put in place to help increase the chances of staying gamble-free. Is that something that you have considered, and/or put in place? For me, barriers have made a big difference.
13 marraskuun 2021, 9:22 am #142944NewshoulderOsallistuja
Guys unfortunately i relapsed in the middle of october and had the same routine as always. I am back here and triyng again. I know i have to try again and again. It seems like after a month gambling free i always fell.
I will try to be stronger in that period next timeGF1 attempt 4
14 marraskuun 2021, 7:43 am #142996NewshoulderOsallistuja
I looked back to my previous posts. It is always the same story. I updated my spreadsheet I ve lost almost 6 months. It’s hurting and very difficult. I feel the urge. It’s strong.
14 marraskuun 2021, 6:43 pm #143025NewshoulderOsallistuja
Had a lot of urge today. Tried to avoid my self exclusion,but I was not able to deposit. Barriers!
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