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Ok, who is going to make the “I’m stopping gambling” resolution? Well done……. now how many times have you made that same resolution before??!!
I know I did many times! In fact many of those resolutions were just a cop out giving myself permission to carry on gambling till the end of the year, when of course they were very short lived.
Instead of making it again I would recommend resolving to take positive actions.
This year I WILL go to GA…
I WILL post more in forums here….
I WILL be accountable for my money…
I WILL be honest with my partner….
I WILL only carry the money i need on a daily basis..
I WILL get proper financial advice regarding my debts.
I don’t tend to make resolutions nowadays – if something needs doing then the time to do them is NOW. So if you are reading this and resolving to stop gambling on 1st January then I would say BS! Your addiction is giving you permission to gamble for the next couple of days – You can stop TODAY.