- Tämä aihe sisältää 0 vastaukset, 1 ääni, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 10 vuotta, 11 kuukautta sitten toimesta.
Luet parhaimillaan 0 vastausketjuja
Luet parhaimillaan 0 vastausketjuja
- Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut vastataksesi tähän aiheeseen.
Hi All, as some of you may have been aware there has been an issue with the un-moderated and weekend un-moderated groups opening, This has now been rectified.
Hopefully your all try and access the groups over the weekend to support the other members of Gambling Therapy, after all the site is what you make it..! and you may be in recovery due to the support of other members who donated their time to help you
Take Care