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Hey Everyone,

I know i don’t post on here very much but i just wanted to update you all on my progress. I HAVE MADE IT 12 MONTHS GAMBLE FREE!!! Admittedly this is the second time have achieved this but I’m not going to let it slip this time!

Fortunately for me (i seem) to have learnt from prior mistakes! I am sticking with my plan no matter what!

I just want everyone to know that it CAN be done! You can turn your life around when everything seems lost! Believe me I’ve been in that situation many times when you feel like you can’t get any lower! The good thing about rock bottom? Only 1 way to go, and thats UP!

My biggest tip from my recovery so far is, BE HONEST! Not only with everyone around you but mostly YOURSELF! Admit to yourself your issues and find help!
Admitting to myself how bad my addiction really was, became the turning point!

Im so proud of myself at the moment!

Have a great december everyone 🙂