Hi Kin thanks for sharing that it’s very beautiful.
Welcome brenda01 I’m so glad to see you’ve found a place that you can. Connect and work on your recovery journey. This place is a great way to get strength and encouragement.
Today I went back to work. I’m still trying to get my strength back from covid. These are the days I kick myself for being in the trades as there’s no such thing as light duties with what I do but I’m glad that I have the skill set to push through my day even if I’m slower than usual. I got to spend some time with a good friend yesterday so that took away some of my blues from being alone all last week. My friends have always been my family so I’m thankful for the ones I do have. My sponsee that I’ve had from NA has been reaching out to me alot lately so I’m really grateful for that as I get to teach her how to find spirtuality again in her life. The same thing I’ve had to relearn. No matter how much time you have in you can still lose that which is what happened to me. I became angry,lost,impatient, disconnected from everything especially my spirtual side thats how I ended up with this new addiction. I realized I was living in so much fear. I have this tattoo I got years ago on my arm that says everything you want in life is behind fear. And it’s so true. I always wanted to be rid of my traumas but I was so fearful of going to that place and having to relive the pain. I always thought of fear as going two ways F*ck everything and run or face everything and rise. This time I’ve chosen the better of the two and for that I’m extremely grateful today. Pain is only temporary and with strength, guidance and support of others it’s possible to be on a better and more healthy recovery journey. But it’s starts with surrender and connection.