Yes- A life without wasting any additional money, a life without any additional stress involving this addiction is the ultimate goal for sure!
That’s a good
Idea- to not have “extra money”
On hand
That is tempting for
Sure …
A lot of the info (and thank you for sharing! )That you have pointed out here I have no idea how it feels since I have a hard time getting any kind of good sobriety…
I hate being a “slave”
To this addiction and also
I feel
I know
Deep inside myself that I know I have to go through the very important beginning stages of being GF….
I am powerless (step one)
Over this addiction
I have tried unsuccessfully to “control”
It time and again
I believe I’m either very stubborn
Or I’m afraid to “let the addiction “
Thanks for
Sharing your view- and what has made you successful so far 😁