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Hi Don I’m happy to read your post. The withdrawl stage is definitely the hardest. Honestly the only thing that helped me through that stage was having outside help to get me through it. I literally had to post here almost everyday to just get out whatever thoughts would pop into my head to. I wrote insane novels of shit but it worked. As the saying goes you get what you put into your recovery. I no that men tend to have it a bit harder in terms of allowing emotions/feelings out it wasn’t your guys fault at all that comes from bs society that conditioned you to suck it up and move on. I work with tradesman all day with pent up anger,control,addictions because they won’t talk. I have managed to get some of them to do that over time by being open myself and me being a women they tend to open up with confidence and trust. I dont no if it’ll help you at all to do that more knowing that there is others like myself reading your posts wanting to be a support for you. Let that shit out as it hits you whatever it may be thats what this forum is for. 😊

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by jvr3419.