Sounds like your brains going 5 miles an hour over there but thats what us addicts do I no mine sure does. I’m super happy for you getting to another milestone. The job things definitely a tough one I’ve never believed in doing the same thing for the rest of my life. I’ve gone to school several times to change from classic chick jobs to now work in trades because the money is better. If you feel you need change that’s something you have the ability to make happen. Making sudden life changes in early recovery aren’t always the best move though sometimes because of the stress and unpredictable outcomes. I no ADHD extremely well I don’t have it but all the males in my family do and my ex did really bad. Surprisingly it’s the number one diagnosed mental health problem other than depression/anxiety amongst people with addiction. If you notice stimulates make you quiet and like drinking coffee does nothing for you. Do you pace alot, take on shit ton of task but can’t complete them cuz you leave and do something else from squirrel syndrome then yep theres a high chance you probably got it lol. It’s awesome to hear your looking into getting some help for it though if your recognizing that somethings off. Hope you have a good day and wishing you well DE 😊