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Dark Energy

thanks Don for your support,

hi JVR I think yes I have ADHD, but really I think I have anxiety and depression as well, I am not sure if this is a temporary thing that will go after 6 months or a year of recovery. but the focus at work is really something that I daily struggle with and I feel bad about it once I back home.

I have searched for a few supplements for anxiety and mood regulation, I will experiment with them next month.. and for sure I have to visit a doctor to check if I really have ADHD, I hope I can find a good doctor because it is easy to trick inexperienced one since I know all the symptoms.

finally, today is Day#24, 3 more days to receive my salary, I am almost penniless at this stage but everything is covered till payday, this was one of the hardest months for me and I am glad I will pass it without borrowing money from anyone, I didn’t borrow money from friends and family for the last 3 or 4 years and I need to keep it this way till the end of my life.