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Today I did a sweat lodge ceremony which is a cultural practice of mine to help heal. It’s been along time since I’ve gotten that proper medicine and it’s a huge part of helping me heal today. When I was gambling I forgot to practice my spirtuality I didn’t smudge anymore, I didn’t do sweats, or connect with nature and do the rituals and things I’ve always done. I lost my way off my red road. I forgot who I was. Now that I’ve gotten back who I really am I don’t want to lose it ever again. I refuse to sink so that means pushing through my resentments. Being able to forgive people, and make amends to people even when I don’t want to. Everyday I do an inventory and apologize to people if I’ve harmed them at all. I’m never going to be perfect that’s just a fact of life that we addicts have to take into account but I can still continue to fight and try being a better human being to the best of my ability.