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Rising : congrats on your ongoing great sobriety !
I am happy to hear that your family is helping you, if you have no money extra you cannot gamble ….

You said you were going through some
Temptations and
Withdraws symptoms…
If you don’t mind I wanted to ask you a question: do you think that at those times when you choose not to listen to those thoughts, not to listen to those ideas; are you basically saying “OK gambling, you got me, I surrender, I can never beat you and you will always win therefore I give up”???

It is very hard
To accept this kind of defeat, call it quits, quell the ego, and just accept the fact that if we go back to gambling, we are never going to succeed ….and it is much better to just surrender it…..?

I have a hard time letting go, I have a hard time saying that “okay gambling, you win I can never win”

Do you feel that essentially that is what you are saying -that you surrender?

And there is nothing wrong with that!
Any tools that help me/you / everyone
To stop gambling
Is quite ok ….
Just thought that I would ask you from a different kind of perspective….