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Day 422

Thanks Don14765 and Tomodog.

Don, you are right. It is very hard to accept defeat. But this is what we need to do. There is no other way. We have to surrender. I know it is difficult especially with an alpha personality like many of us here who have been successful at many other things in life; be it careers, sports or anything else. However, similar to the scenario that not everyone can become a F1 racing champion or a professional mma fighter, I have come to the conclusion I cannot be good at gambling. I just cannot and will not win sustainably and will always lose if I engage in it. Any win would be fleeting and it would be a fluke. So yes, I have hung up my gambling shoes forever so to speak.

Hope this helps answer your question and helps you to stay gamble free. All it takes is to say “I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY”

Staying gamble free. One day at a time!