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Day 10
Just been watching a bit of breakfast TV. There was a guy on who was taken in by, and kind of brainwashed by a “cult” type organisation and ended up giving them thousands of pounds. He was initially led to believe it was a business venture. He described the experience as “a carrot and stick into oblivion”.
He has cut links with thst organisation now (who face an investigation) and is hopefully recovering from the whole experience.
Me thinks there is a parallel with gambling. For whatever reasons we stsrt, we are effectively brainwashed too, it consumes our thoughts. We give our money to them.
I think sometimes we see gambling as our escape from reality, it’s a fix when we are bored or unhappy, it’s the only way we will win our money back.
“A carrot and stick into oblivion” – time to get out and stay out. To cut links to it and move on for good.
Some things I need to bear in mind :
1. Stay in the real world
2. Accept it’s ok to be bored sometimes, hoeever try and find different things to do
3. Address my discontent and unhappiness sometimes. Can I make changes. I need to try and build more of a social circle for a start.
4. The ONLY way to get money back is to earn it
Going for another day gamble free.