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How are you?
I know the feeling of laying in bed and the desperation. I know the fatigue. I know about your vow to never gamble again only to wake up the next morning with a little more energy and little more hope, enough to repeat the same cycle again. I’ve been there. It isn’t pretty.

I’m now past a month of gamble free time. I have a ton of debt, no steady job, billions of problems, but my days aren’t plagued by the heavy stress that comes with gambling. No everyday guilt, shame, remorse, disgust and craziness from depositing one amount after the other. That alone is a good reason to start your journey of getting this illusion out of your life. Gambling is a scam. All the billboards, the ads, the promises, the hopes, they’re all huge lies.

The first 10 days all I could do is breathe. I couldn’t focus on anyone but myself. Here I am now, encouraging others to stop. It’s an improvement for sure. You should do it. You must do it! You can do it!

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Callmecrazy.