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Dark Energy

Hi Don,
there is no way to control it, I have done every possible trick to control my trading addiction, I have tried to control the amount that I put for trading, and I have tried to use a program to place the trades for me so I will not interfere, I have tried to use a friend to give me access just to place one trade per day….and many other ways.. but nothing worked, all the methods that I used to control my trading addiction didn’t work. simply because I am an addict and I can’t control myself after placing the first bet or trade,

all these trials delayed my recovery, but I had to go through them all before I surrender to the fact that I can’t do it at all.

Don, you need to admit that, and then you need to find your way out of this addiction.

there is nothing to lose if you stopped gambling, if you are doing it for fun there is a million way to have fun, if you are doing it for money there is a million way to make money,