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Today is a new day. My thought and feeling have change today.

I have just finished work. I can feel my weak and vulnerable moment today. I need to remove the risk and stay away from danger.

I must not look elsewhere for good feeling. I must not do other things now. I must recharge and restore my strength and energy; sleep and rest are my top priority now.

The warning sign and danger are there today. I was tired and that triggered me to check my bank account repeatedly many times today. I suffered from both intrusive thoughts and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. I felt less stressful and anxious each time after checking my bank account. I was acting out my thoughts.

I could not gamble because the excess money has not been banked into my account yet. I did not want to feel broke and insecure; I would like to hold on to the money. Not handing over my excess money after the money was bank in will make me more vulnerable and put me in danger of gambling one day.