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Life will always have problems.

We must learn to enjoy our life having these problem without gambling.

Our solution to this problem is a spiritual one.

Spirituality is a set of individual practices and has a lot to do with having a sense of peace and purpose in life.

Religion is different, it is a set of rituals and practices that has to do with the belief and worship of a controlling force, God, or supernatural being.

Spiritual principle is the path, truth, rules and belief laid out for our lives and must be walked as a part of life. Spiritual principles free us of unnecessary suffering, pain and fear.

Some spiritual principles of recovery are acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, love, integrity, self-discipline, service to others and many more.

Spiritual discipline is the practice of controlled behavior and training to obey and follow the truth, way and rules.

Spiritual disciplines are habits, practices and experiences that are designed to develop, grow and strengthen certain qualities of spirit – to train the soul and build the muscles of one’s character.

Someone once told me that the universal rule of spirituality is to do no harm.

  • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by kin.