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I was just thinking how it all started …

I was sincer I was about 12-13 Yrs old when in our villange slot machines were brought and of course that was the main fun for everyone. Including adults, teenegers and kids.

That was were we were going all the time in the evening to play. but of course we had no big amounts of money so it was fun.

In the high scholl it was nothing serious and later when was moving to the faculty, form time to time some serious sport bets when I had the money…

After the faculty I had some big bets also won, some lost… but did not play on slots.

The crash happened when I have discovered the slot machines, 3-4 years ago… that was the total damage… absolutely total damage.

Gives you that continuous sensation, pumping adrenaline and hope or what the hell is that…. and you all the time end up lossing, I know that…