I must not leave any opportunity that allow me to do something I am not supposed to do
I must not leave any loopholes in my recovery, I must remove all the risk and stay away from danger
If I did not handover all my excess money, I may use that money to gamble
If it has not happen, the answer is not yet, it is waiting to happen one day
If I do not value my honesty and integrity in recovery, I can become disobedient and lawless.
It only take one moment of lapse or foolishness and carelessness, and I will slip into something I was not suppose to do.
If I lose my spirituality, I cannot connect to something bigger and more important than gambling
I shall become spiritually dead, I will justify the reason to gamble
I will not want to stick to the plan all the way to the end.
This journal allow me to talk about my weakness and vulnerability before they actually happen
This journal help me to see that I am heading in the wrong direction and help me to make a U-turn back.
This journal help me to repent before it is too late
I only need to stay gamble free today
Take one day at a time
Tomorrow I do the same