I was working on the problem that leads me to gamble and today I read…
Two things drive us: necessities such as food, sleep, avoidance of pain; and rewards.
Our brains are wired to pursue rewards. Adults and kids will pursue anything that seems like a reward.
When our brain identifies a possible reward, it releases a powerful neurotransmitter called dopamine. This dopamine rush propels us toward the reward.
I also read…
Psychopaths are often thought of as someone who take what they want without thinking about consequences, they lack emotions like empathy, fear and remorse and exhibit defiant social behavior.
Psychopaths’ brain appeared to be wired to keep seeking reward no matter the consequences at any cost.
The anticipation or motivation for reward overwhelms those concerns with potential threat, risk and danger.
Once they focus on the chance to get a reward, they are unable to alter their attention until they get what they are after.
They have in abundance – impulsivity, heightened attraction to rewards and risk taking.
A hyper-reactive dopamine reward system maybe the foundation for some of the problematic behaviors.
Certain mental health condition may also contribute to an increase in risk-taking.
People suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD are likely to engage in risky behavior because they tend to be more impulsive while people suffering from PTSD were likely to engage in risk-taking behavior when in a negative state.
Example of risk-taking behaviors include:
1. Gambling more than they can afford to lose.
2. Criminal activity such as stealing, vandalism and trespassing
3. Having sex with strangers or engaging in sex without protection against sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancies
4. Driving under the influence of alcohol or engaging in dangerous driving
5. Skipping school
I was disappointed and sad to find some answer to the questions I have ever asked. My reward and risk-taking behavior was so similar to that of a psychopath or person with mental conditions. The truth hurts…
I will not sugar coat my journal to make my post attractive and acceptable. Uncovering my wrongful and sinful, lawlessness acts was shocking, foolish, stupid, irresponsible, embarrassing, shameful, guilty and painful. I have lost all my self-control at that time.