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Hey Cruising…

I’m sorry to hear, they managed to get to you… But the good news is, you are only human… We all make mistakes…

With you being this honest takes so much gits and I respect you for that, you could have easily lied, but you didn’t…

I am again reaching out, and reminding you, you are not alone in all of this, when the urge gets to you, come and make a post, let’s talk… Talk about what you are thinking and feeling, before you make that bet… Come here and read your your post even if it’s just for 2 minutes, this will help reduce the urge to gamble and give you the courage not to make that bet…

You are not alone, and I wish that you beat this thoughts, and you can be gamble free…

Have a great day, and let’s strive for 10 000 gamble free days…

One day at a time!!