Today I am very grateful and thankful that I was not getting stressed, frustrated, disappointed and broken by not gambling. They are the reasons that has cause me to gamble previously.
Count my blessing
1. I am very grateful that I do not have stress from the daily gamble. I do not have to worry about missing a gamble.
2. I am very grateful that I do not have stress from finding more money to gamble. I do not have to borrow to gamble.
3. I am very grateful that I am not stress from disappointment, frustration, anger and fear after losing a bet.
4. I am very grateful that I do not have stress, worry and fear from more gambling debts.
5. I am very grateful that I did not lose my self-control today. I suffer from poor impulse and emotion control.
6. I am very grateful that I do not get stress from chasing gambling loss.
7. I am very grateful that I was not stress by inability to sleep due to restlessness and hyperactive gambling mind.
8. I am very grateful that gambling is not controlling my life today.
9. The money, and time that was not rob, stolen and taken away by gambling can now be wisely spend in areas loving others and myself.
10. I am very grateful that life was restored back to normal, and I start to have savings.