Some days was harder than others; I survived and stay gamble free two days ago.
Yesterday and today I do not have to deal with any of the intense attack that I felt 2 days ago.
I was very selfish on that day; it was my off day; I had some money; betting house are like 7-11 outlets everywhere; it was a hot day.
Everyday I had some money and the betting house are always there; the external trigger was not strong.
Everything was the same except the heat that I dislike.
The strong urge to place a bet comes from an internal trigger on this day.
I was more selfish and paying more attention to my feeling, emotion and desire.
When all else did not work for me on this day, I can really felt the power of selflessness helping me to stay gamble free.
My reason to stay gamble free was different on this day; I could not find this strength in the past; it was a newfound strength.
Self is no more the center of the universe.
Repent before it is too late.