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Hi Kin- thanks for your share..
In it; you mention it was your rest day …

My gambling counselor(I need lots of help !)
Suggests to keep busy
Denying/distracting with hobbies, being with people ….denying that first thought…
Not acting
On the impulse to gamble….

I feel we are always vulnerable at some point in our journey… one day wake up, feeling depressed, lonely, angry.. etc…

Those are the days we need more than 100%
Effort…keeping busy, thinking other thoughts, etc.

Also- my counselor says gambling
Is like a revolving door…chasing a win or a loss…
If I win a bet…
I wanna win again……
If I lose….
Wanna keep playing until I win again!
It’s a vicious circle…

I send you this message to help you (and me!)
Get on track/ start the gamble free process:)