Beware of distractions that can takes me away from my Higher Power
It is very important to stay focus on my Higher Power; and not to get distracted by the people I meet, the places I visit and the things I see happen around me. I must continue to submit and surrender to the Higher Power.
Submit to a Higher Power
It was so easy for me to drift away automatically and become complacent after things was doing well. I would slowly stop doing what works for me; I stop correcting myself every single step; I stop practicing repentance and following my Higher Power. My old ways; the old “me, I, myself” will sneak in quietly to take over the steering wheel. How many times have I stop gambling and fail to stay stop gambling.
I will not go unpunished if I think that my old way is better and the Higher Power is not good enough for me because the Higher Power’s way and thought is higher than me.
It was not my timing and many years later, I finally met a proud, arrogant and confident man who becomes humble recently. I could identify and recognize his change. I can see what he did differently to achieve this desire change. I can relate to every word that this person tells me. I can see his change and the process happening. I saw and understand why he did certain things. It was easier for me to follow his examples. I was able to learn from his example and achieve changes quickly.
I have struggle to learn from a humble man for many years how to be humble in recovery. I could not see what he did differently to successfully achieve the desired change, he was always the same. He always gives all glory, all thanks and all praise to the Higher Power. I could not see and find the missing pieces. But I can see the difference and change in a person when someone who boast a lot suddenly decided to stop seeking self-glory and boasting and give all glory, all thanks and all praise to the Higher Power.
Consistency and persistency; be grateful and thankful in good times and bad times.
Perseverance and resilience; sticking to the plan all the way to the end.
My recovery has become more rock solid, and stronger; I believes that “everyone who believe will not be put to shame.”
I believe that this journey is not perfect, the person may experience setback and failure on the way but a believer will rise up again each time. My confident and awareness grows; I learn to be more careful.
Proverbs 24:16
For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble in time of disaster and collapse.