Hello all,
Thank you iamhere for your post. You ask a very good question and the truth is, I’m not sure at this moment. I put blocks on my phone in the past but I always found a way to still gamble (using my computer- i couldnt find any blocks for this google chromebook i use). I think it might be the case with most of us but whatever block we have in place is a good tool but if we make that decision to gamble we will find a way. Instead I am going to focus on all the positive aspects of being free from gambling brings to my life. I am going to remember how gambling impacts my life in a negative way. I’m going to remember all the tough times that have been brought on myself and my family are mostly directly related to gambling. I know this is going to be very hard, but I’m in a place right now where I know that this is exactly what I need. I had one of my best days in a long time yesterday and it was directly a result of not gambling. I’m going to do it again today. Thanks again, iamhere. One day at at time!