Hey, GT Forums!
I’m doing pretty much alright currently. Just finished working on a report for a short task in my university’s course. That subject feels really interesting, in comparison to almost everything I’ve done before. It feels refreshing to learn about.
Today is my… 38th day of not gambling. It’s kinda unreal. I managed to stay away from the swamp for a whole month. One may say that I’m happy, in a way. Nothing was truly satisfying to this point. I want to continue, though. I won’t place a single bet in October, too. In fact, I won’t even try. I did it once, I can do it twice.
I had my birthday a few days ago, I’m 21 now. My parents gave me awesome presents. It’s funny to me how little I need to enjoy the moment I’m being in.
Looking from the broader view, I couldn’t find a job still. My father decided to help me a bit by paying to me for math tutoring my little brother. But that won’t do anymore really soon.