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Glad to hear from you! The amount of your debt is unthinkable to me, although in my opinion, you’re doing great by paying it off and not gambling. It’ll be over soon enough, and you’ll be able to spend money on your own life.

Gym is neat, I’m going there myself every so often (just finished my latest training actually). I’m paying for it “on my own” starting from this month, before that my father was. I have enough money to pay for such things now that he’s giving me for the classes with my young brother. It’s not much, yet it allowed me to completely stop begging my parents for money. Once and for all. But I need to find a real job. I needed to do so *a lot* earlier, I’ve wasted insane amount of time on nothing. I don’t have a possibility to spend time anymore, if I want my life to continue being somewhat well. I mentioned the reasons before. This country is cursed, and the time is ticking.