Moving forward three wonderful weeks of gaining back my perfectly healthy body and mind. I am giving thanks always for the 3 weeks and continue to be consistance in focusing on positive thinking rewiring renewing the mind each moment. Those urges for self worth is taking over my mind. I am gonna stay on the pathway of it. Loving the moments and keeping this brand new mindset of living positive and focusing on the beauty that life has to offer each moment i am alive and awake. Loving life to the maximum… embracing this new found joy of living a clean and happy life with a smile on my face i conquer each day moment by thinking of living my best life. Thinking saying positive words to reframe my mindset. Observe the beauty of my thoughts now and being in an amazed by the renewal of pure goodness and simple living. Enjoying sharing giving and supporting those who are gonna better themselves. Thank you all for your support on this forum. I am gonna accomplish my goals set out for 2020. I am planning on new things. And as we progress into the new year i will keep you all inform of my progress. Be bless and stay on that self worth path.