Hey Murr
I’m in your corner buddy. We have all been exactly where you are and if you can pick yourself up you will feel better. I am 3 months free and I can honestly say even though I have immense debt I am happy. 3 months ago in the grips of it I wanted to take my life as I thought it was the only way out. I am almost 70 thousand in debt and I have a smile on my face today.
I as well played sports betting and to be honest I was like you I thought I was good at it. I won 50k in one day doing it, the sad thing is we have a problem and always dump it back in and that kills us. I have honestly bailed myself out of the debt 10 times and can never walk away. As soon as I have a bad loss at sports betting I also end up playing cards or pretty much betting on anything I can. I remember one time telling my Gf I needed to take a bath in the middle of the night so I could watch the score on a game played over seas that I have never even heard of. The lies, man I wish I never heard of gambling 15 years ago because it has stolen my sole for this long.
Stay strong man and it can get better if you choose.