You are right Cat, coming up on the 24th is not only my birthday but the date that Barry ended our relationship. I’ll be back from Chicago on that day and will be celebrating with my family, friends and Bill. Barry said that day that someday I would thank him for dumping me and at the time I was so full of hatred and despair I told him that would never happen. I was wrong. He did what I could not do, I was too dependant and too afraid to do the right thing. I am now looking forward to the future and wake up each morning with a song in my heart. My gambling urges over the past year have not subsided completely, but they have become significantly less and I am far more capable of reasoning them out and conquering them. Barry was a HUGE gambling trigger for me and by running away from him and gambling I only punished myself. Imagine, I was basically supporting him, paying rent, buying groceries and supplying his benefits, yet I would run down to the casino to escape from his abuse. A lot of growth and change has taken place over the past year and I learned from that experience. I will never place myself in that kind of situation again. Taking care of ME is my priority and those who truly care for me. This will be a happy birthday this year and the anniversary date of my freedom and independence. Thanks for remembering, Cat. Debbie