Another restless night! I need to come to peace with my situation. Today is my Granddaughter’s 1st Birthday (although her party is on Saturday). I’m so thankful to have her in my life. Not having cable and internet sucks. Although I am cutting out the cable and just streaming video. I won’t have any services till May because of my misunderstanding about the upfront payment. But it will save me money monthly. In May, 1 of my high interest loans will be paid off, so more money will be freed up. Today, I’m going to concentrate on the positives in my life. The people i love. My good health. I have a lot of positive for sure and I don’t take them for granted. I haven’t been thinking of gambling the last few days which is good as I seem to when I am stressed. I’m figuring that within 3 years if I keep gamble free and stay on my course, I will be debt free. I will be 63 (Wow) but I will still have some years left in me to enjoy it. My motto, seize the day!