Caroline I am so sorry! You are right… it is a mess:(. It never ceases to amaze me the power a compulsive gambler can have over an entire family. It’s so hard to explain… why is everybody so afraid to let them fall and face the consequences of their actions. We all have done it…lots!
His parents are doing what they think parents should do and that is look after and fix their son’s messes. It’s what parents naturally do but it is not helping. I think a good honest conversation with your friend would be so helpful. Currently both you and his parents are so entrenched in his addiction that nobody has any perspective on what is happening.
Do you have a Gam Anon meeting close by? I really think you need some support. I don’t mean people telling you what to do but some people who have been there to just listen!
Change is hard Caroline for both the addict and those affected by it. With some support you will get stronger.